Matematica Discreta

Tema 1

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Aperiam quam laudantium, ipsa assumenda repellendus ea aliquid at quos minima, provident nisi reiciendis autem libero facilis sit fuga doloremque deleniti animi.

Tema 2

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Aperiam quam laudantium, ipsa assumenda repellendus ea aliquid at quos minima, provident nisi reiciendis autem libero facilis sit fuga doloremque deleniti animi.

Tema 3

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Aperiam quam laudantium, ipsa assumenda repellendus ea aliquid at quos minima, provident nisi reiciendis autem libero facilis sit fuga doloremque deleniti animi.

Tema 4

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Aperiam quam laudantium, ipsa assumenda repellendus ea aliquid at quos minima, provident nisi reiciendis autem libero facilis sit fuga doloremque deleniti animi.

Tema 5

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Aperiam quam laudantium, ipsa assumenda repellendus ea aliquid at quos minima, provident nisi reiciendis autem libero facilis sit fuga doloremque deleniti animi.

Fundamentos de ingenierìa informatica

Course documentation

Subject description

"Fundamentals of Computer Engineering" aims to provide a global vision of Computer Engineering in both academic and professional points of view. The course gives the students a grasp of the fundamentals on which this engineering is based (mathematics, physics, anthropology and ethics), the future professional careers and the role of a computer engineer in today's society. The course is divided in two parts. the first part addresses the theoretical foundations, while the second helps develop practical skills. The first part covers three fundamental blocks of content.
1) Computer Engineering in Society: Background and historical perspective: past, present and future of Computer Engineering. Computer Engineering as an academic discipline or profession. The human factor: anthropological and ethical foundations.
2) Information and Data: Information representation. Organization of information.
3) Information Processing, Management and Transmission: Fundamentals, current paradigms and trends in computer systems and applications.
The second part of the course is devoted to the development of practical skills where an introduction to web development is addressed, through the realization of a project for the creation of a web page on contents related to the course. Besides providing the basics of a computer engineer technical skills, this course contributes to the development basic soft-skills for an engineer, such as teamwork, ethical commitment and communication skills, both oral and written, of technical information, favouring the comprehensive training of the engineer as stated in the educational project of the University. "Fundamentals of Computer Engineering" aims to provide a global vision of Computer Science both from an academic and professional point of view. This subject introduces students to the fundamentals on which this computer science is based (mathematics, physics, electronic, anthropology and ethics), future professional careers and the role of the computer engineer in the current society. The subject is divided into two parts:
(1) the first part deals with the theoretical foundations; and
(2) the second part helps to develop practical skills based on the theorical foundations.
The first part covers three fundamental modules of content:
1) Introduction to Computer Science.: Background and historical perspective: past, present and future of Computer Science. Computer Science as an academic discipline or profession. The human factor: anthropological and ethical foundations.
2) Foundations about Computer Science: Fundamentals, current paradigms and trends in computer systems and applications.
3) Information and Data: Representation of information and data foundations. The second part of the subject is dedicated to the development of practical skills where an introduction to web development is addressed, by carrying out a real project to create a web page on content related to the subject. Besides, this subject provides the basic technical skills of a computer engineer, this subject contributes to the development of basic soft-skills for an engineer, such as individual and teamwork, ethical commitment and communication skills, both oral and written, of technical information, favoring the comprehensive training of engineers as stated in the educational project of the University.


The subject goals intends to cover are:
- Understanding the reason for Computer Science, what is the main goal it pursues and the good it brings to society, reflecting on the role that each one wants to play as an engineer in the society of the future.
- Knowing the fundamentals pillars on which technological progress must be based, having a first historical perspective of computer science evolution.
- Becoming aware of the importance of the human factor in professional practice and foster a vocation for service and a sense of contribution to the common good.
- Having a global vision of the career, its different knowledge areas understanding the different professional opportunities and profiles to start asking your vocation.
- Providing information about the current paradigms, computing trends, big data, artificial intelligence and web development.

Course syllabus

Module 1 - Introduction to Computer Science.
- Background and historical perspectives.
- Definitions and basic concepts about computer science Past, present and future of ICT.
- Computer Science as an academic discipline.
- Competencies for the Computer Engineer.
- Career opportunities
- Computer Science and Ethics.
Module 2 - Foundations about Computer Science
- Software development: more than just programming.
- Introduction to hardware, networks and software.
- Computer science trends: edge computing, cloud computing, quantum computing, cognitive computing, blockchain, smart cities, AI, IoT...
Module 3 - Information and data.
- Introduction to the concept of information
- Information Foundations: numbering systems, representation of numerical and alphanumeric information (codes).
- Data Foundations: Data Models, Data Security, Data Governance, Data Laws.
- Big Data
Module 1 - HTML5 Web pages
- Basic concepts
- Labels
- Organization of information and layout with CSS3
Modele 2 - Design and layout with CSS3
- Basic concepts
- Selectors
- Box model
- Positioning of elements
Module 3. Introduction to JavaScript
- What is JavaScript?
- My first program
- Javascript basic